Sunday, November 8, 2009

Free Download - Week #1 - The Carjack EP


So I've been Carjack'ing live for exactly 4 years.

Many years of home recording & planning.
Many bars unexpectedly infiltrated. Many robots smashed.
Many strings broken.
And a lot of great memories & friendships made in the process.

To celebrate, I'll be posting a FREE EP every Monday morning for the next 4 weeks in a row.
Yep - 4 EPs for 4 Weeks straight.

This will include new higher quality MP3 versions from the original masters / hand made releases, plus unreleased bonus tracks from those original sessions.

During the following weeks, I'll will then record a brand new EP that I'll post just days after finishing on Week #4.

So download the hell outta that shit, play some old school video games on my site, & have fun in whatever you do.

word upward,

Lo-Fi Bri

Week #1 Download: Lo-Fi Bri - Carjack EP 2003

(download tip: choose 'Regular Download')

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